Best teacher – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep – Bergen County NJ

Best teacher – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep – Bergen County NJ

Dear Wavelength,

Andrea Goldman is the best teacher ever!  I know a lot of students say that about their SAT Math teacher, but this one is not like any other I have had.

My previous teacher I had was not good at all.  She told me to do a lot of with barely an explanation on the answers I got wrong.  Andrea gives a good amount of work considering it is a summer course that ends in about 3-4 weeks.  She is also reasonable if you are not able to complete it all because right now I am starting my college processes for Nursing and it is time consuming.  Also, Andrea gives great explanations on the answers I got wrong if I did not understand it when I went back to redo.

Andrea uses great resources to make us understand why our answer is right or wrong.  Her system works very well for my fellow classmate and me.  If she were in a Math SAT teaching tournament, she deserves a 1st place ribbon for the way she teaches and the way she makes us understand what we did wrong in our practices.

Andrea Goldman is the best SAT WaveLength teacher ever!

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