The success of our Long Branch SAT, ACT, and SSAT test prep classes and AP subject private tutoring and college admissions consulting business is built on our success with every single student we teach and our record of choice college admissions. So we encourage you to ask around Long Branch about WaveLength tutoring and test prep- this is some of what you’ll hear:

Long Branch

Enjoyed - Crespo

I enjoyed class with you guys! You both knew how to incorporate fun things into our classes to make it enjoyable and for the time go by quickly! I loved that I already see improvement with your help! Thank you! :-)

Juliana Crespo , Long Branch High School 2019 , Long Branch, Monmouth County NJ 07740

Mentors - Long Branch SAT prep - WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep

Marlee and Matt are magical people. I have never had teachers that are so connecting and fun to learn with. If I had the chance, I would absolutely take it again. People who take it will not be disappointed with their decision. I just want to take this time to personally thank you. Like I said before...I've never had such connecting mentors. If you told me that I would improve over 100 points on my math SAT...I probably would've laughed. But it happened. And I cannot thank you enough for you assistance. You and Marlee are an amazing pair of teachers and I hope that I would be able to take your class again to keep improving my score. Thank you so much!
Anthony Giordano , Long Branch High School 2019 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740

Second SAT -Cabana

Math- I liked the class a lot. Matt was a very good teacher and he always kept the class interesting. My math scores definitely improved a great amount after the second SAT, and I look forward to taking the test my junior and senior years. Verbal – this class was very good as well. Marlee is down to earth and really knows how to point out the critical things about the SAT itself I will miss both classes as both of them have taught me in valuable information that will definitely help me in the future.
Jan-Luka Cabana , MCVSD, Marine Academy of Science and Technology, MAST 2015 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740

Eduacator -Catrambone

Mr. Robert Abatemarco Principal Red Bank Catholic High School Red Bank, NJ 07701 Dear Mr. Abatemarco: It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Ms. Marlee Napurano who has served various communities as an energized and dedicated educator. I have known Ms. Napurano for a number of years and has demonstrated great perserverance and initiative. She has always performed in a professional, competent, and caring manner. Ms. Napurano is a well disciplined, industrious, and talented individual with a very pleasant personality. She has proven to provide exemplary services to children in need of after-school tutorial and state-wide assessment preparation. She has successfully tutored my daughter, a 2005 graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School who now attends Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. Ms. Napurano has the intellectual creativity necessary to open windows of opportunity for all children. She puts forth a great effort in making her instruction exciting and meaningful. She is always very reflective an critical of herself, remains upbeat, and provides a positive image of the organization she represents. Ms. Napurano will be a valuable asset to any institution that retains her and the services of her company, WaveLength-Tutoring and Test Preparation. She has grown in her company into a poised and accomplished young woman with superior interpersonal and leadership skills. It is with confidence that I highly recommend Ms. Napurano and the valuable services she would provide to the students of Red Bank Catholic High School. Sincerely Yours,
George l. Catrambone , Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Long Branch Public Schools , Wall Township, Monmouth County, NJ 07719

SAT class Long Branch -McKenzie

Wavelength tutoring taught me SAT techniques like skipping. Matt and Marlee were very beneficial teachers. This was a very good SAT class.
Marcus Orval McKenzie , Long Branch High School 2010 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740

Eliminate Answers -Smith

Class was pretty beneficial for me. When I took the PSATs, the English strategy helped me if I didn't understand a reading section. Matt helped me eliminate answers. I think if it wasn't Matt or Marlee, I wouldn't have come. he he :-)
Raena Smith, Long Branch High School 2010 , , Long Branch, Monmouth County, New Jersey 07740

Taking tests -Schulz

WAVELENGTH was excellent. It has made me perceive taking tests more positively. Matt and Marlee were amazing tutors and very down to earth.
Elizabeth Schulz , Long Branch High School 2010 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740

Experienced teachers -Long Branch

I think it was a great opportunity to be part of this program, with greatly experienced teachers. I learned a lot and got many of my questions answered that I couldn't get answered here in the school. It gave me the courage to look at the test differently, no doubt I will get a 500 or higher on math and verbal parts. And I would never have felt more positive about this test, if I hadn't come to WAVELENGTH tutoring. I would recommend this to anyone who looks to strengthen themselves to pass this test and has ambitions to successfully reach their career goal. This was one of the best experiences I had so far, and I wish to participate the following semester!
Long Branch High School 2010 , , Long Branch, Monmouth County, New Jersey 07740

Math tutor -Long Branch

Wavelength definitely gave me good tips for taking the SAT. I loved the serious lectures we received from our crazy adventurous and dangerous math tutor and the knowledge and tips I received from our musically talented English class. It was a good time.
, Long Branch High School 2010 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740

Test taking skills -Alex

The experience to me was beneficial. The English was completely helpful. Half the stuff on the math I knew already, however I still learned new test taking skills on how to do it faster and save more time.
Alex , Long Branch High School 2010 , Long Branch, Monmouth County, NJ 07740
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