Although I haven't had the pleasure to meet you personally, I am Brian Silverman, Emily's Academic father. I wanted to take a moment to briefly share a few thoughts with you in connection with you and
your firm's involvement with my daughter over the past few years.
Firstly, the SAT tutoring support she received in physics and math was very helpful and successful. As you know, I'm sure, while Emily is remarkably self possessed for a person of her "tender years", she is also a very sensitive child and the academic support provided by you and your colleagues meant a great deal to her. Also, in that connection, believe the efforts spent in helping to prepare her for the SATs was likewise, very valuable and make a significant contribution to her success there.
Secondly, while I think that Emily's modesty and ingenuous tendencies might not allow her to fully appreciate the esteem in which she his held having been offered a part-time
tutoring position in your firm, you may be sure it has escaped my notice. I think that it is a terrific experience for her, I am very proud of her, and flattered and grateful for your interest in inviting her into your professional circle.
Lastly, as I am sure you are aware, I am a dentist. I have, for eleven years now, been fortunate enough to have held a half-time position (in addition to a modest private practice) as the director of a small residency program in dentistry that is part of the Dept. of Med. Ed. at Overlook Hospital in Summit, NJ. In my capacity at the hospital, I receive stacks of applications from perspective candidates, replete with the usual assortment of essays and letters of recommendations. I wind up reading hundreds of recommendations every fall as we prepare to interview candidates. I must tell you that Emily shared with me, the letter you wrote in support of her application to
Yale. I was absolutely blown away, and could barely keep myself from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. It was a most eloquent and thoughtfully composed letter. The sincerity and actions you took to express such an extraordinary degree of support left me astonished, bursting with pride for my daughter, and deeply grateful for your efforts. I was simply the best letter of recommendation I have ever read, both in content and composition.
I am also aware that you have personally spent many hours helping Emily "above and beyond" the contracted services to which you are committed, and that she has developed a very strong rapport with you and a high regard for your opinions, as well. I just wanted to let you know that I think you have been a wonderful mentor, role model, and friend to her, and I am looking forward to being able to personally express my gratitude at some point in the near future.
Thank you for everything.
Warm regards,