The success of our Holmdel SAT, ACT, and SSAT test prep classes and AP subject private tutoring and college admissions consulting business is built on our success with every single student we teach and our record of choice college admissions. So we encourage you to ask around Holmdel about WaveLength tutoring and test prep- this is some of what you’ll hear:


ISEE tests - WaveLength ISEE tutoring + test prep - Holmdel NJ

I definitely learned a lot more strategies to the SSATs and ISEE tests, like sentence completions and analogies. I also like that Andrea is friendly and gives us independence and Daniel gives us extra saucy pizza.
Mia Goins , MCVSD, Monmouth County Vocational School Disitrict , Holmdel, Monmouth County, NJ 07733

Holmdel SAT prep tutoring -Silverman

Dear Marlee, Although I haven't had the pleasure to meet you personally, I am Brian Silverman, Emily's Academic father. I wanted to take a moment to briefly share a few thoughts with you in connection with you and your firm's involvement with my daughter over the past few years. Firstly, the SAT tutoring support she received in physics and math was very helpful and successful. As you know, I'm sure, while Emily is remarkably self possessed for a person of her "tender years", she is also a very sensitive child and the academic support provided by you and your colleagues meant a great deal to her. Also, in that connection, believe the efforts spent in helping to prepare her for the SATs was likewise, very valuable and make a significant contribution to her success there. Secondly, while I think that Emily's modesty and ingenuous tendencies might not allow her to fully appreciate the esteem in which she his held having been offered a part-time tutoring position in your firm, you may be sure it has escaped my notice. I think that it is a terrific experience for her, I am very proud of her, and flattered and grateful for your interest in inviting her into your professional circle. Lastly, as I am sure you are aware, I am a dentist. I have, for eleven years now, been fortunate enough to have held a half-time position (in addition to a modest private practice) as the director of a small residency program in dentistry that is part of the Dept. of Med. Ed. at Overlook Hospital in Summit, NJ. In my capacity at the hospital, I receive stacks of applications from perspective candidates, replete with the usual assortment of essays and letters of recommendations. I wind up reading hundreds of recommendations every fall as we prepare to interview candidates. I must tell you that Emily shared with me, the letter you wrote in support of her application to Yale. I was absolutely blown away, and could barely keep myself from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. It was a most eloquent and thoughtfully composed letter. The sincerity and actions you took to express such an extraordinary degree of support left me astonished, bursting with pride for my daughter, and deeply grateful for your efforts. I was simply the best letter of recommendation I have ever read, both in content and composition. I am also aware that you have personally spent many hours helping Emily "above and beyond" the contracted services to which you are committed, and that she has developed a very strong rapport with you and a high regard for your opinions, as well. I just wanted to let you know that I think you have been a wonderful mentor, role model, and friend to her, and I am looking forward to being able to personally express my gratitude at some point in the near future. Thank you for everything. Warm regards,
Brian Silverman, DMD, Director, Overlook Dental Care Center , Holmdel High School , Holmdel, Monmouth County, NJ 07733

Testing success -Lanzieri

I had the honor and privilege to be tutored by both Matt and Marlee and I could write a novel about why WaveLength Tutoring and Test Prep is the best-in-class. However, the number one reason I would recommend WaveLength is that they genuinely care about each student. Your challenges and struggles are their challenges and struggles and inevitably your success is their success. You don't get that kind of individual attention and dedication catered to your individual style of learning anywhere else. WaveLength kept it real and gave me the proper tools that set me up for testing success!
Elissa Lanzieri , Holmdel High School , Holmdel, Monmouth County, NJ 07733

Holmdel private tutoring -Lanzieri

This is to attest that Matt Makrinos has been tutoring our daughter, Elissa Lanzieri, for a period of approximately one year. Matt Makrinos is an extremely dedicated, responsible and most capable individual. He is not only extremely knowledgeable in the subject matter he is entrusted to teach, but he is also very perceptive of his student's existing abilities, capabilities and potential aptitude. We have found him to not only teach the subject matter, but also include teaching strategies that are all-encompassing. His approach with the student is not only to provide the necessary knowledge of the subject, but to instill the confidence in the students' capabilities and potential. Matt's objective is not to ensure the grades go; but, more importantly, that the child truly learns and understands the subject matter. In this approach, the grades are a result of, not the means. Matt Makrinos also know how to render the subject interesting and enjoyable. e is completely involved in the success of his students. He is not the typical tutor who simply comes in, does his duty and collects his due. First, he tries to get to know your child, even in getting to know their personal interests, and then he caters his program around satisfying his/her needs as well as aspirations. His goal is to ensure that your child is successful and he this by consistently trying to challenge him/her and the encouraging their accomplishments. Our daughter's weakness was Mathematics and she even built an aversion to the course. We have tried many tutors in the past, even certified teachers, but there was never any significant improvement. We were quite frustrated and discouraged; in fact, we were hesitant to even try another tutor. Fortunately, we me Mr. Makrinos, and he was able to change all that. He essentially led my daughter to not only understand the subject better, but also to enjoy it as well. She went from struggling in basic classes of Mathematics, to know successfully enjoying regular classes of Mathematics. That is quite an accomplishment, as now she is much more confident and capable of taking on more challenges, with out any trepidation. To our daughter he is not atutor but more like a mentor, as he always gives her great advice, even on how to approach certain difficult situations. He has definitely been a good positive influence in her life. There is no greater pleasure than to see your child feel good about themselves and approaching challenges in a positive manner. We do not hesitate to give our highest recommendation to Matt Makrinos, and we are quite convinced that he will be worthy of the confidence he shall receive. There is absolutely no doubt in our mind, that Matt Makrinos' intellectual capacity and dedication will prove laudable. Sincerely,
Fabio and Maria Lanzieri , Holmdel High School , Holmdel, Monmouth County, NJ 07733
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