College preparation – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep – Marlboro NJ

College preparation – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep – Marlboro NJ

WaveLength was the best thing that ever happened to my college preparation. I learned so many things about the SAT and was able to significantly increase my score in every section to a total of 2260.

In addition to tips and tricks, WaveLength gave me the confidence to succeed on the test. Marlee was amazing and significantly helped me with writing and critical reading. Matt was awesome and helped me realize that I knew the answers. WaveLength was very helpful, but more importantly it motivated me to achieve the highest possible score.

WaveLength was so much fun! Marlee and Matt were very friendly and easy to talk to. We enjoyed ourselves even when we were studying. The program helped me conquer the SAT. My high score is critical to my acceptance at the University of Pennsylvania where I will be attending this fall.

Thank you WaveLength! 😀

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