The success of our Manasquan SAT, ACT, and SSAT test prep classes and AP subject private tutoring and college admissions consulting business is built on our success with every single student we teach and our record of choice college admissions. So we encourage you to ask around Manasquan about WaveLength tutoring and test prep- this is some of what you’ll hear:
I thought the class was very helpful. I saw my score of my practice tests continue to go up and up and I was taught many tips that help make the test easier. Without this prep course I feel my score wouldn’t have increased as much as it did with the course.
It was very informative, I learned a lot I would still not know for the SAT. From this class and working hard in the future I hope to succeed because of you and Matt. Thank you for a great six weeks and I am so glad I can stay in touch with you guys.
The class was beneficial and I feel like I am taking a lot of helpful information out of the class. Both teachers were very interesting to listen for for 2 1/2 hours.