Monmouth County college counselor – WaveLength tutoring + test prep

Monmouth County college counselor – WaveLength tutoring + test prep

When I began working with Matt and Marlee at Wavelength, the SAT was the most intimidating hurdle of my college process. I knew the scores I needed to achieve to be accepted into my first choice college, but the gap between where I was and where I needed to be seemed impossible to bridge. Immediately, they were able to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. Matt helped me to simplify the math problems by recognizing patterns that I could see; the questions became easier, and I learned that the errors I made were silly mistakes in my own work. “Trust your process, not your work,” is a strategy that I now implement in all aspects of my life. Similarly, Marlee helped me to create a systemized approach to the reading and English sections of the SAT, that not only helped me to achieve my scores but also enriched my learning and understanding of literature in all other aspects of school and life.

The most meaningful part of my experience with WaveLength is that I have now have mentors, not just for my SAT, but for life. The lessons Matt and Marlee taught me are ones that I will carry with me and apply to my studies at Dartmouth College in the fall of 2016.

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