Parts – Ocean County SAT prep – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep

Parts – Ocean County SAT prep – WaveLength SAT tutoring + test prep

After taking this class for six weeks, I feel as though I got a lot out of it. Regarding the English parts, I feel like I’ve definitely learned how to read passages quicker well being able to better understand the main points of the passage/the skeleton. I also found that the technique where you read the quotes for the two part questions first, then go back and answer the first question, helpful as well.

Regarding the math section of this class-while it wasn’t at all like I expected it to be, it definitely helped out as well. I think in general doing the problems and parents helped significantly. I also liked how, on every Thursday, Matt would go over problems that we needed help with, as though we weren’t sitting and being taught a lesson per se, we learned how to do certain problems better. Like in the English parts, Matt also taught us techniques for getting through certain types of problems, which I found helped.

Overall, I feel I got a lot out of this class and hopefully I will be able to apply all I learned there on the test itself.

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