Bonus college consulting -Scott

Bonus college consulting -Scott

My name is Brian Scott and my Daughter Olivia worked with Daniel in late 2015 early 2016 for SAT prep. While we only had 2 sessions, one each in front of the Dec and Feb tests, the impact was substantial.

Olivia is high performing and Daniel was quick to evaluate just where she needed guidance, mostly around strategy but also with some specific targeted practice and tips in Math and Writing.

Livi earned a 2100 on the first try and jumped to 2300 on the second. I’m sure much of that jump was due to Daniels evaluation of her results and guidance on adjustments.

It’s refreshing to see someone who is so dedicated to evaluating and guiding each student based on their individual needs strengths and weaknesses, and does not just apply a cookie cutter one size fits all approach.

Daniel’s knowledge of the college admission process and how schools evaluate results was an added bonus. Daniel was a pleasure to work with and we will be sure to recommend him to friends and use him again when it’s our sons turn to take the tests.

Thank you for your service and dedicated staff and please let me know if you have any questions.


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