Tag Archives: learning deficits

The Effects of Covid School Closures Still Plague Our Kids

The Covid-19 pandemic left many parents, students, and educators wondering when schools should reopen. The president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, was among those who argued in 2020 that reopening schools would be a safety risk for students and staff. She pushed for broader policy changes that the union had long favored. Other education leaders favored a faster reopening of schools. Many schools remained closed for months, even after vaccines became available. School Closures COVID-19 PandemicThe closures affected low-income, Black, and Latino students the most, but all children suffered: the American Academy of Pediatrics declared a national emergency in children’s mental health. Many teachers were understandably frightened to return to work amidst the cloud of public misinformation, and teachers’ unions advocated for their members’ safety. However, despite emerging data that schools were not superspreaders, many U.S. districts remained closed well into 2021.

While teachers and schools worked tirelessly to provide online classes and other resources, the reality is that online learning is no substitute for in-person instruction. As a result, many parents have turned to private tutoring as a means of addressing the educational deficits that their children have experienced due to the school closures.

One of the key advantages of private tutoring is that it provides students with individualized attention and support. This is especially important for students who may have fallen behind during the school closures or who may have struggled with online learning. Private tutors can work with students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop a personalized learning plan, and provide one-on-one instruction and support to help them succeed.

In addition, private tutoring can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each student. This means that tutors can focus on areas where students need the most help, whether that be in a particular subject or skill. Private tutors can also adjust their teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles and preferences, making learning more effective for each individual student. It can help students to stay motivated and engaged with their studies. 

With the disruptions caused by school closures, many students have struggled with maintaining their focus and motivation. A good tutor can provide students with a sense of accountability and structure, helping them to stay on track and make progress towards their academic goals.

As we continue to navigate the challenges in the wake of the pandemic, it is important to prioritize solutions that will help students recover from the educational deficits caused by school closures. Private tutoring offers an effective way to address these gaps and set students on a path towards long-term success.


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